Power Brooming will keep your turf looking brand new by restoring the blades to an upright position. De-compacting your turfs infill will allow improved drainag.
During the process of Power Brooming your artificial grass, we will remove all debris such as shrubbery, rocks, etc.
We will manually remove any unwanted weeds that grow in or around your turf. We do not spray weed killer as it puts children and pets at risk.
Pet hair contaminant can causes a lot of problems. It is often hidden between the blades and only visible to the naked eye along the edges. We will remove pet hair that prevents your artificial grass from draining properly.
We have hand selected the best natural solution for maximum waste degradation on any surface. The exclusive blend of bio-engineered bacteria are radically different from other enzymes cleaners available. This solution can be used on artificial grass, real grass cement, rocks, and more!
Our hand selected turf infill is a natural, organic artificial grass infill product that significantly reduces pet urine oder. Along with being a necessary element in your synthetic grass our infill also cools the turfs surface temperature. By absorbing the heat from the sunlight, and through the
Our hand selected turf infill is a natural, organic artificial grass infill product that significantly reduces pet urine oder. Along with being a necessary element in your synthetic grass our infill also cools the turfs surface temperature. By absorbing the heat from the sunlight, and through the evaporation of the water. The turfs surface would result in a cooler temperature.